Developer jobs & UI/UX jobs within reach.

Ready to get hired with with ease? DevSwipe offers a wide range of developer jobs as well as UI/UX jobs. Get hired with a single swipe!

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Every feature you need to get a job in tech. Try it for yourself.

DevSwipe was built for developers and UI/UX designers like you who don't want to get rejected multiple times at interviews or worse, not even getting their submission being seen.


Easy account creation

Fill in your skills, personal characteristics and desired occupational group. Based on this we can show the most suitable vacancies

Screen_developer jobs

Swipe & like vacancies

If you like a job or swipe right, your anonymous profile will be visible to the employer, who only sees qualifications. If you match, they will like you back!

Screen_developer chat

Chat and plan meetings with your future employer

A match! When you get a match, it means the employer is interested in your profile and want to know more about you.

Getting developer jobs and UI/UX jobs has never been this easy!

Like really! You don't even need a photo, resume or cover letter, it's that easy

  • Easy and fun

    Just as easy to use as a dating app, simply swipe right and you apply to the job!

  • Fair as it can be

    The employer will only see your skill set and characteristics until the match, personal details come later.

  • Super fast

    Create an account, swipe a job post, meet your future employer and POOF, you are hired!

Get hired for developer jobs and UI/UX jobs

It takes 30 seconds to sign up. Download the app and get the perfect developers job for you!

Everyone is getting Developer jobs with DevSwipe

Thousands of people have doubled their net-worth in the last 30 days.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • How does DevSwipe work?

      DevSwipe uses advanced algorithms to match job seekers with relevant job postings based on their skills, experience, and preferences. Simply create a profile, upload your resume, and start swiping through job listings to find your perfect match.

    • I have liked a job post, now what?

      Once you like a job post, your profile will be shared with the employer. If they find your profile to be a good fit, they'll reach out to you directly through the app to initiate the interview process.

    • Is it free for me to job hunt on DevSwipe?

      Yes, DevSwipe is free for job seekers! Our goal is to connect talented individuals with their dream jobs without any barriers.

    • Do employers see my personal information?

      Employers will only see the professional information you choose to share on your profile, such as your work experience, skills, and education. Your contact information is kept private until you decide to share it.

    • Where is DevSwipe based?

      DevSwipe is a global platform with our headquarters located in the tech heart of Amsterdam. We serve users and companies from all around the world.

    • Is there any age limit to use DevSwipe?

      As you can also do your internship via DevSwipe, there is no age limit. However, companies can reject you when they think you look unprofessional

    • Can I use DevSwipe for remote job searches?

      Absolutely! DevSwipe offers a wide range of job listings, including remote, part-time, and freelance opportunities. You can filter your job search to find remote positions that suit your lifestyle.

    • How do I ensure my profile stands out to employers?

      Make sure to complete your profile with detailed work experience, skills, and a professional photo. Regularly updating your profile and being active on the platform increases your visibility to potential employers.

    • How do I become a featured job seeker?

      Featured job seekers are selected based on their active engagement on the platform and the completeness of their profile. Keep your profile up to date and interact with job postings regularly to increase your chances.